Please choose a date and time. Check the days of the week you are available for an appointment. If the ideal date and time are not listed, please send me an email. I can put you on a wait list, or maybe move my schedule.
You can make a payment via credit card on the Payment screen. If you wish to pay by another means, or pay at the time of your appointment, or set up auto billing, or have a discount, please just check “Pay Locally” on the PAYMENT screen. Your appointment will be reserved, and you can pay later. If you have any questions at all, please email, call or text: 248-767-4649. Thank you!
My base rate is $120 / hr. I offer a 30% discount if your insurance does not cover my services. Please talk to me in advance of your first session.
You will receive an email within 24 hours once your appointment has been approved.